For more information and directions "Attend to my cry; for I am brought very low; Deliver me from my persecutors, For they are stronger than I. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your name; The righteous shall surround me, For You shall deal b
Patricia's Testimony The weeks since you and your team from He Cares for Me came to Bryan, TX had been very tumultuous for me. Instead of sensing freedom after being prayed for on Sunday, it was as if a floodgate of past junk just washed over me again and again and again and I felt bound up in depression, anxiety, feelings of total worthlessness and shame (things that the Lord had, over the years, delivered me from and that I hadn't had to deal with in decades). I would have memory after memory come up and I'd deal with them and get a little relief, but they would crash down on me again later on. I was almost to the point of messaging you, Mr. JJ, or Miss Carmen to say, "Help!" because I was so exhausted from "dealing with things."
Then, this past Saturday, before I got up, the Lord reminded me of when I was about 8 years old. My mom was taking me to the doctor and had put my baby brother on her bed in a plastic carrier (this was about 1970!) and she put me in charge of watching him so he wouldn't bounce out of the seat and onto the floor. I did watch him, for awhile, but I got distracted, and all at once, I heard a loud noise and my brother screaming. He had fallen off the bed onto the floor, of course. He had a little bruise on his head, but wasn't hurt badly. I don't remember anything my mom said, but I could tell she was very disappointed in me for letting her down. I went into my room and cried and walked the floor, saying over and over, "I wish I was dead!"
The Lord led me through the He Care for Me process. I confessed my recklessness in not watching my brother, I forgive myself, and renounced the death wish that I had put upon myself, along with the self-hatred, self-loathing, and self-destructive spirit behind what the enemy had me speak over myself, as well as decreeing myself free from that and declaring what the Bible says about me as a child of God. I had never realized before that when I had spoken that over myself, I was agreeing with the enemy, and unleashing a lot of ugly junk in my own life with my own words!
I can say that now, I am able to speak over myself what the Bible says about me and I don't sense a pushback or wall against it in my own heart. There is freedom to meditate on what the Bible says is true about me. I had been praying for several months that the Lord would teach me how to love my family and other people more fully, and He began by freeing me to love myself!
Amanda's Testimony After getting COVID the first time my anxiety was through the roof. I had read an article where someone had COVID and suddenly took a turn for the worse and died. The fear set in. Anytime I was sick or had any symptom that was unknown I was worried that something was wrong with me. I hated being alone. I was convinced that if I was alone then no one would be available to help me if something was wrong and I wasn’t doing well. I can’t explain how scary it felt feeling this everyday. This included more panic attacks than I could count, trips to the doctors, and hour long phone calls to get me through.
I wanted victory but wasn’t sure how to get it. It was taking time, more time than I was ready for. I knew God could heal me, so I wasn’t sure why I was still experiencing so many different symptoms. A year and a half later I was at work talking to a client about his biggest fear. He told me, “I’m afraid of dying. Aren’t you?” It was in that moment I realized the open door. I was afraid of dying.
I reached out for support through a He Cares for Me Care Minister who said I could call back when she had more time to offer me as she only a 10 min window. There was no special lighting, worship songs, or Healing Waters weekend. It was two people praying in agreement and in 10 mins after a year and a half of torture, I was finally free.
I will never understand the timing, but that’s where faith comes in. I learned to trust and wait that He was working and that this season would soon end and a new chapter begin. Freedom can be found - even after many hospital visits, prayers and tears, I just needed to rest and trust He is faithful.
2 hour Ministry Appointment- Gina Tirone I have known Pastor Marlene Yeo for well over 30 years. life happens and we lost contact until one day I reached out to her. After hearing about all the Lord was doing through the ministry of "He Cares For Me" I felt the Lord answering an 8 year cry for my deliverance from much pain and torment. I had broken my back 3 times, had 8 surgeries, lost 8 very close people, and on top of all that I lost a very well paying job I had moved to Florida, which was terminated after I broke my back the third time. I ended up on disability, addicted to drugs and my life was completely out of control. I cried out to God, but was slowly losing my faith and felt He wanted nothing to do with me. I was in complete and utter despair and tried to commit suicide twice, I had no desire to live anymore.
After speaking with Marlene, hope returned. I wanted to plan a trip to attend the Healing Waters weekend only to learn the weekends were on hold to train new Care Ministers. I was so disappointed, once again feeling as though the heavens were closed to me. Marlene was completely booked the week I wanted to come, but she blocked out a two hour personal ministry session for me to come and get some much needed ministry. We had several conversations and I knew this was an answer to my desperate prayers for help. The timimg was perfect as I had just found out, due to the medications and surgeries, I developed a very serious disease called Gastroparesis. Since December I had dropped 40 lbs. and still losing with the threat of a feeding tube if I kept losing. I needed help so badly. Financially, I couldn't afford a trip, but great is the faithfulness of God, He provided for the whole trip!
I could hardly wait to see my old friend again. I cried out for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, but otherwise made no assumptions of how the session would go. I came completely open to whatever God had for me. I was further blessed when I found out another friend from years past, who was a part of her team, would be ministering with her!
We started with prayer and worship. Not even into the first song, the tears began to flow like rain, I knew I was in the exact place at the exact time that God planned just for me! As we sat quietly before the Lord, things began to come to the surface that I had not been aware of. I was drowning in a spirit of grief! After years of constant repentance and self abuse, the root to my problem had nothing to do with any "sin" of jealousy, envy, etc., it was a deep seeded spirit of grief. This was total news to me! I cried so hard I thought I would turn inside out.
Marlene led me to break any alliances I had with the enemy of my heart, soul and body. I knew I had a call to the ministry of deliverance and believed my physical ailments were tied to the bondage I was in. I prayed, renounced the enemy and any covenants I had made with him, and the joy of the Lord began to well up in me. By the time we were done praying I literally thought the roof was rising!
We rejoiced and praised in the Spirit for quite some time as the years of torment rolled off and out of me. Joy filled my heart with laughter and the spirit of grief was broken off. The authority Christ gave me over my enemy rose up inside me and I took back all he had stolen from me and I began to fill that empty space with the spirit of my Daddy God.
I left New England with a fresh anointing of His Spirit! Although I did not have an instant physical healing, my spirit is so renewed that I know how to fight it off with rejoicing and praise. The song "I Want to Dance Like David Danced" rang through my spirit and I know that I will be writing again with an update on that! Thanks be to the Lord God Almighty who knows what we need, when we need it, and how to provide it! I am grateful for Pastor Marlene's obedience to God and also the good friend that ministered with her who had experienced the exact same grief as I.
Healing Waters Marriage Weekend Testimony Dan & Karen Donovan My wife Karen and I have been on an amazing journey of individual inner healing over the past 6 months. June 12-13, 2021, we attended a healing waters marriage weekend. Although we were both moving forward in our personal walk with God individually, we were very stuck as a couple. This is our testimony.
The weekend began on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at a cottage on the lake. We were both very excited to see what God was going to do in our marriage. The weekend started with an aroma touch therapy session. I went first as my wife prayed for me in the room. I had a peaceful, relaxing time in the presence of God. My wife Karen was next. During her aroma touch session, she was overwhelmed with tears in the presence of God, it was awesome.
Following our aroma touch session, we prayed together dedicating our time to God, and invited the Holy Spirit to come and do his work. We soon separated to receive individual personal ministry time. During the individual session we invited the Holy Spirit to reveal, any areas that He chose to bring up for healing. “Reveal to heal” is a phrase I recall. He took me back many years to close for good open doors from past sin. He also showed me an area that was blocking my relationship with my oldest son and my marriage. This is where I spent most of my time during this session.
For Karen's individual ministry time the Holy Spirit showed her a picture of Jesus standing in front of a door with one hand on the doorknob, and the other reaching out to her. He said to her, “We are going to walk through this door, will you trust me”? She immediately knew she was about to confront something very difficult. She said, “Yes, let's go.” It was then that he opened the door and she immediately knew what she had to face. She was able to deal with several obstacles that were holding her back personally and holding our marriage back. She experienced a great breakthrough after that session.
We then came back together as a couple to move on to specific issues that were hindering our marriage. Once again, the Holy Spirit showed up and revealed a host of past issues that were causing present day problems. We forgave one another, we cried some tears, and received deep inner healing. I personally experienced a freedom that I have never felt before. It was as if I was carrying around a heavy weighted backpack without even knowing it. I felt like our 25-year marriage was brand new again, except this time a Godly foundation was firmly in place.
What can I say then? God is good all the time! He is faithful even when we are not. His gentle, loving hand is always stretched out waiting for us to let him in. If we are willing, he will take us to the open doors in our wounded soul. He will heal, and restore all the broken pieces of our lives. This sets us on a course to walk in victory and to fulfill the destiny that God has for us.
Karen Donovan's Testimony It was December 2020 I was approaching 3 years of suffering with chronic Lyme disease. My life was filled with physical pain, depression, hopelessness, while searching for a cure. I had been to multiple specialists and spent thousands of dollars with little to no help in sight. I had succumbed to pain medication for temporary relief, and to help me sleep. I had opened myself up to an addiction. I needed this medication daily just to function in everyday life.
I had no energy to play with my grandchildren, my desire for eating was disappearing, and therefore more medication in the form of marijuana was needed to help me increase my appetite. I could never make plans anymore, because I never knew how I was going to feel physically. I would lie in bed and think that I really did not have much to live for. I finally came to my breaking point. God would have to heal me from this earth to go and be with him.
I did the only thing I knew to do, which was to find a faithful friend to help me get out of this pit. I knew I would have to be very vulnerable with the reality of the state of my life. I made an appointment with Pastor Marlene Yeo, the Director of He Care’s for Me Ministry.
In my two-hour appointment, God showed me that I was carrying several burdens that were not mine to carry. I walked through the process of repentance, and I was able to give several people and situations over to God at the foot of the cross. I cried out from the depth of my soul and walked away knowing it is now well with my soul.
The day after my ministry session, I realized that not only did I receive healing form within my spirit and soul, but also I received a physical healing. I had no more physical pain in my body, and I had a new outlook on life. Something on the inside had changed. My joy returned, and I felt a resurrection power from God that I had never experienced before. As days turned into weeks, I was not suffering from any symptoms of Lyme’s Disease. This disease no longer weighed me down. As I began reading John Arnott’s book “The Importance of Forgiveness”, my life continued to change at an unexplained, accelerated rate like never before. For the first time, I truly experienced God unconditional love through forgiving others allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal bitterroot judgements in my life. I am so excited in my new found freedom and walk with God.
Carol's “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony:
As I was verbally going through and forgiving every person that had abused me physically, sexually and emotionally, (since my early childhood) there was a video playing in my mind, of how with each situation that occurred, the enemy was heaping more shame, guilt and bondage on me, making me feel more helpless and hopeless each time. The scales were lifted from my eyes and I could see how the enemy had a plan, from the beginning, to destroy my purpose, my destiny. As the chains were broken off and bondage's broken I could feel hope, renewed strength, I felt the Lord restoring to me all that the enemy had stolen from me, most of all I experienced God’s love in a way I never had before. Since then I have had many opportunities where I have seen restoration in areas of my life, I give God all the glory and thank Him for birthing “He Cares for Me” ministry and I look forward to all those that will be set free through His love.
Louisa’s “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony:
The first teaching session was concluded with a foot washing. The presence of God was so real to me as my feet were washed with the fragrant essential oil water I started to weep uncontrollably. I felt so safe and cared for as I melted in Gods peace. I knew He was preparing my heart to open and to recieve all He had for me that weekend. Within days after receiving ministry I had an opportunity to exercise my new freedom in Christ only to find…it was real…really real!!! I was walking in a new level of authority to rule over my own soul and the emotionally toxic person I was dealing with didn’t have the usual effect on me. I found myself not reacting with panic and fear but I was now responding in wisdom and peace which disarmed the situation. My experience with Healing Waters weekend was life changing.
Elizabeth's “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony: One of the biggest problems I had before going into Healing Waters Weekend was dealing with rejection. As a child I was rejected by my parents for not doing things correctly (cleaning, etc...) As an adult I lived a performance life. I performed so I could get praised. Everything I did, I did with excellence even before Christ. I had to be the best friend, the one who was down for all. Then, as a christian I had to always have the good grades, and pray the most, be involved in all or any ministry opportunities.
When I went through the healing waters weekend the Holy Spirit brought all this to light and began to piece it all together and pinpoint the root. I then chose to forgive my mom and take back what the enemy had stolen from me. What freedom I have experienced since then. Actually, 2 days ago a top boss at my workplace came in where I was working and corrected me. Immediately, I felt the feelings of rejection and the old pattern of beating myself up tried to come back but, this time it was different. I was able to speak the word of God with authority, plead the blood of Jesus over myself and that familiar spirit left. Since Healing Waters weekend I now walk in His authority to identify and nullify the works of the enemy. The wicked one comes but now finds no place in me. I love God and I'm thankful for Jesus' love and freedom in my life. And that's what God does through Healing Waters Weekend.
Priscilla's “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony: Raised by a principled woman, a woman who knew how to give, love and forgive but when it came to forgiveness, I did not understand why she forgave my father and I was angry at my father for dying. When my mother had to work hard to make ends meet, I blamed my father. When I couldn’t get what I wanted either for school trips and not having a person to call father, again I blamed my father for dying, there were so many things I wanted to ask him, I was just 3 years old when he passed away, How he lived his life was not something to write home about even though he was a great provider and educator (In a worldly point of view).
For every unfortunate thing I experienced as a child, I blamed my father. My mother used to talk me out of it and even using biblical scriptures to redirect my heart and mind but I was not willing to let go of my anger towards my father. I would go to church, get involved in church activities and all but that anger was a personal issue between me and my father and I did not want God to deal with it. My anger towards my father was not something I kept to myself, I talked about it and even warned those that were discipling me to never ever touch that department. Whoever tried to talk or disciple me out of my anger, I would get angrier at the people and I had declared that if my anger towards my father was the road to hell, then so be it. I will meet him there and deal with him, I was willing to sacrifice my salvation. Then came the Healing Waters Weekend, something I had never ever experienced before, the word was preached, hearts were touched and God was doing His thing. On that Saturday night, my heart was being worked on but my head was fighting a do or die battle. I drew a battle line, I said to myself, God do your thing but do not try to change my heart and feelings towards my father because I will not change, I wrestled with this feeling over and over and the more I sat in the class the more I felt like my heart was being changed and at some point I wanted to walk out and I heard His voice saying “ the Cross, Jesus on the cross, he died for you so you may live, did He die in vain, surrender so you may be healed” I do not know how I got up but I found myself standing in front of the care minister, crying saying I am willing to forgive once and for all and never looking back. That was a day of victory for me. The anger that I kept in for so many years, on that day the walls came down. Free at last, free indeed. I feel it, walk it and am not afraid to declare it because I walk in His authority with no fear because I am FREE !!
A Thankful Combat Veteran's “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony: I just wanted to give God glory by sharing this testimony of healing and deliverance. Growing up I went through a lot of abuse and my parents divorced. I moved to a bad neighborhood where I began to use crack cocaine and get into trouble. These life styles led me into a juvenile boot camp where I later joined the Marines and later joining the US Army I saw my fellow troops blown up and some died. One night on a mission I was hit by an explosion where my spirit left my body and went into darkness where I asked God if this was all I got to do with my life. I woke up with my leg was almost blown off and later in surgery I lost a kidney, my gallbladder, some intestines, and had a traumatic brain injury. Hospitalized at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for a year I became addicted to pain pills and after I retired, I became addicted to street drugs.
After 4 years of this like 22 other veterans, I made the choice to take my own life. After surviving this event I was put into a veteran’s hospital where a flood of emotions came to the surface. I got on my knees and began to pray for forgiveness for all that I had done. I witnessed a physical manifestation of Jesus Christ that day and gave my life to Him.
After this I still had much to be healed from. When I was asked by Pastor Marlene Yeo to come to Healing Waters at Christian Community Fellowship. While I was there they started off by washing my feet and I could feel the presents of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Yeo guided me step by step when the Holy Spirit would bring to remembrance events I needed healing for. Abuse, sexual sins, traumatic events on and off the battlefield and a life of substance abuse.
At one point the Holy Spirit brought an event to my mind and pastor Yeo led me through the process of renouncing the traumatic events from combat. This event had upset me for a long time and I was deeply mentally wounded by it. I was crying and Pastor Yeo was praying for me, she rubbed anointing oil on my forehead and then on the back of my neck. When the anointing oil touched my neck my tears turned into hysterical laughter, I could not stop laughing. She told me “Your going through a deep inner healing” I have not laughed like that since I was a child and I could feel a heaviness being lifted off of me. I felt free, I felt joy, and I felt amazing! I renounced and took back authority from everything that the Holy Spirit brought to my mind. Things that I had not thought about for many many years. I left the church that day in victory and free for the first time in my life. I was taught to take back the authority from the enemy and started walking in the victory God has given us.
I went back to my dorm room where later on that night I felt a warm tingling feeling going through my injured shoulder and my tar filled lungs. God was still doing a healing in me even when I was home. Healing waters was answered prayers from the last 4 years since I became saved; I had been walking around even after I gave my life to Jesus with deep wounds with just band aids on them. After healing waters those wounds are now healed scars, stronger than they were before. I have now been trained on how to lead someone through this Biblical process of healing and l look forward to seeing others walk in Gods Victory.
Eternity's “Healing Waters Weekend" testimony: My name is Eternity this past weekend I attended healing waters and my life was completely changed. I got wrecked by the father’s love for me. This weekend the Holy Spirit revealed things to me that I have gone through even as a change and just kind of "Got over them, or tried to forget about them". Never realizing that they were a root to a lot of questions I had in my life. One in particular was when I was 8 years old my little sister died in her daycare and she was only 2 months. I couldn't understand , so I just "dealt" with it.
As the years went on my mom was very abrasive emotionally and physically. She was completely detached from our lives as kids. I didn't understand why my mom was not present mentally. Going through healing waters the Lord showed me the root was my mom not understanding and part of her grieving was to detach. And 18 years later sadly she is still grieving. I have never been able to tell my mom I Love her without the emptiness of the words fell into my heart as the words left my lips. I was coached in healing waters to forgive my mom, and take authority over the time I lost with my mom through this. After healing waters I spoke to my mom and at the end of our conversation I genuinely said "I love you" and felt so Whole. As a result of my mom’s detachment I lack confidence, and carried guilt in my heart all these years...but God showed me it was never my fault. I am so free today and I am excited to be trained to be one of those who would lead others into their freedom! Thank you somebody Cares, for taking the time to care for me :)
Vickie Gaskins' "Healing Waters Weekend" testimony: Often as we serve the Lord in ministry, we feel that our personal needs must be put on hold as others receive. Through He Cares For Me and Healing Waters Weekends that has not been the case.
I recently participated in my second weekend experience of HCFM- Healing Waters Weekend and not only did I experience my own personal breakthrough in an area of struggle, I watched repeatedly as others experienced their own breakthrough. I think it worthy of note that because of the training received previously, through He Cares For Me, my personal breakthrough came during one of the sessions quickly and easily, without interfering with my ability to participate in ministry with others as they came forward. The Lord showed me, I agreed with Him about the root cause, repented and then moved forward!
Pastor Marlene and the team are coaching others to minister in this same way. They are graciously sharing through their experiences to further the Kingdom. Being allowed to participate in partnership with Holy Spirit as He brings truth to heal those who are hurting has been very encouraging to me.
I can honestly say that in the past some of the most difficult times I have had as an altar ministry intercessor is to watch individuals come forward week after week requesting prayer and see them return for the same issue several weeks or months later. It has caused them to feel defeated and in turn caused many of them to give up hope and simply live in that defeat. Knowing to ask Holy Spirit to expose the root of their wound, and then to see Him heal their emotional or physical issue has been tremendous to watch and I have hope now as I pray for others.
I am also excited for the prospect of continued training and development of this type of ministry so that I might effectively share it with those in my community.
Vickie Gaskins Rise To The Times Founder and Director Denison, Texas